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Showing posts with label iPhone14 Satellite Communication. Show all posts

Thursday, September 1, 2022

In-upcoming Apple iPhone14 May Support Satellite Communication


Apple is rumored to be working on a brand-new device that will support communication through orbiting satellites, according to reports by Bloomberg.

If true, the new device will be the only satellite-enabled smartphone in the market, according to the company’s statement in the report. Apple is getting ready to release a new version of the iPhone this year, according to the report. The company could be working on a satellite-enabled version of the iPhone, which will make sure that it can connect to the Internet around satellites to increase its connectivity.

The functions of the iPhone would be changed to work the same way the satellites work. The iPhone would not come with a separate modem chip. Instead, it would be connected to the modem.

The China-based start-up, Skybeats is also working on a satellite communication system that will also allow connections between satellites and PCs. Currently, the cable modem can connect to the Internet through the terrestrial network but not through the satellite. The satellite version would allow it. It is said to be based on the Internet protocol.

The satellite system would also use commercial communications satellites launched by other companies and in different orbits. The company is preparing to test this during the summer. How it works? The system will use two satellites — one equipped with a three-way antenna to connect German cities with an Ecuadorian tower, which will be in turn connected by an agreement with a US company, which will provide US bandwidth. This connects the Berlin operator to the US. Naturally, the satellite was positioned to avoid interference with transmission by the GDR government.

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